Vol. 27, No. 2 - December 2023 Editor's Column Mladen Knezic Intelligent Optimization of CMOS Operational Amplifier using 3D Ant Colony Optimization Samir Barra A Singly Curved Conformal Phased Array with Integrated Particles-Based CRLH Phase Shifters Muhammad Ayaz and Irfan Ullah Ethereum Smart Home for Denial of Service and Single Point of Failure Bernawan Ikhsan Syahputra, Desi Marlena, Dimas Febriyan Priambodo and Arizal Testing the Advanced Single Phase Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology using RES Moloy Cgandra Dey, Shamima Akther, Priyangka Talukder, Afshana Begum and Md Moontasir Rashid Download full issue