Vol. 26, No. 2 - December 2022

Development and Validation of a Less Expensive and Portable PLC Module for Students Training in Industrial Automation

Joel Fernando Palomino Masco
Programmable logic controllers (PLC) devices play an important role in automation systems; therefore, technicians must have adequate training with these devices. If a student wants to learn about PLCs, they will find two problems. First, training pro- grams are expensive, and second, PLC modules are not suitable for gaining hands-on skills. This study proposes the implementation and validation of a less expensive PLC module that is accessible to students interested in learning about this technology. Two pro- totypes were developed using a PIC16F877 and an ATMEGA328P microcontroller. This study describes the enhancement made in the second prototype over the first prototype. Finally, a compar- ison test between the two prototypes and two commercial PLCs is demonstrated. A MyRIO programmed as a data logger monitored the PLC operation for 12h. The program recorded the response time of the PLC output each time a 24 volts signal was sent to its input. The results show that commercial PLC has a fast and more stable response time. Nevertheless, the developed modules proved to work effectively for 12h, demonstrating their efficiency for training.
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